The Studies
Two intro videos from my YouTube Channels "Brother John, Are you sleeping?" and "5 MIN 2 ETERNITY."
Here is a list of all the studies I have done, thus far, given in their logical order, starting from the basics in Daniel and progressing through to Revelation. Studies are a little sparse and spread-out at this point, but this is a work in progress.
- Introduction to Prophecy
- The Bible is a puzzle! the-bible-is-puzzel.html
- In Babylon: the Jews, the Church, and Babylon
- Structure of Daniel 1-7: A Weapon for Our Times
- A Little More Structure
- Structure of Revelation 1 & 2 and its point. the-structure-of-revelation-1-2-and-its.html
- Structure of Revelation 1-16. structure-revelation-1-16.html
- Armageddon
- Should we fear Armageddon?
- The meaning of Armageddon... Good News!
- Armageddon, Its meaning: the Quotes. search/label/Armageddon%20meaning
- Basics of Prophecy: Daniel 2 & 7
- Vision of Daniel 2 (the Biblical text and my YouTube visualization). daniel-2-biblical-text-and-my-youtube.html
- Vision of Daniel 7 (the Biblical text and my YouTube visualization). daniel-7-biblical-text-and-my-youtube.html
- Daniel 2 & 7, parallels, pt. 1. daniel-2-7-parallels-pt-1.html
- Appendix: King is Kingdom. king-is-kingdom.html
- Daniel 2 & 7, parallels, pt. 2 - Fall of the Church. daniel-2-7-parallels-pt-2-fall-of-church.html
- Historical Documentation.
- Four kingdoms: the Quotes. search/label/four%20kingdoms
- Europe is Roman: the Quotes. europe-roman-empire-divided-glasgow.html
- The Roman Church, the Roman Empire continued: the Quotes. search/label/Roman%20church%20is%20Empire%20continued
- The Roman Church a kingdom: kingdom-of-papacy-manning-temporal.html
- Daniel 2 & 7, parallels, pt. 3 - God's answer to His Fallen Church. daniel-2-7-parallels-pt-3-gods-answer.html
- How important is the Judgment? how-important-is-judgment.html
- New to Daniel 7. new-to-daniel-7.html
- Does the Roman Catholic church claim to have changed the Sabbath? does-roman-catholic-church-claim-to.html
- Historical Documentation.
- Ten horns of Daniel 7: the Quotes. search/label/Daniel%207%27s%20ten%20horns
- Clovis, France, and Rome: the Quotes. search/label/eldest%20son%20of%20church
- Greco-Roman religion: the Quotes. search/label/Greek%20brass
- The Catholic church and Persecution: the Quotes. search/label/Catholic%20Church%20persecution
- The Jesuits on Daniel's "a time, times, and an half." the-jesuits-on-daniels-time-times-and.html
- The Sabbath in Daniel 7:25. the-sabbath-in-daniel-825-aphrahat.html
- Heart of Revelation (or Revelation's Daniel 7): Revelation 12 & 13
- Review the Structure of Revelation 1-16, noting that Revelation 12 & 13 form a unit.
- Structure of Revelation 12. structure-of-revelation-12.html
- Appendix: Structure of Revelation 1 & 2 and its point. (Star is Angel!) the-structure-of-revelation-1-2-and-its.html
- The woman, the dragon, and the man child: the man child.
- Appendix: Structure of Revelation 19:11-16. structure-of-revelation-1911-16.html
- The woman, the dragon, and the man child: the woman.
- Historical Documentation.
- Vatican, its meaning: the Quotes. search/label/Vatican%20meaning
- The Catholic church, a woman: the Quotes. search/label/Catholic%20church-a%20woman
- The woman, the dragon, and the man child: the pregnancy. the-woman-dragon-and-man-child-pregnancy.html
- The woman, the dragon, and the man child: the dragon. the-woman-dragon-and-man-child-dragon.html
- Structure of Revelation 12:7-17, part 1: the Fall of the woman. structure-of-revelation-127-17-fall-of.html
- Structure of Revelation 12:7-17, part 2: War! structure-of-revelation-127-17-part-2.html
- Structure of Revelation 13:1-10. structure-of-revelation-131-10.html
- Sea Beast of Revelation 13:1-10. sea-beast-of-revelation-131-10.html
- "And they worshipped the dragon..." and-they-worshipped-dragon.html
- "And they worshipped the dragon...", continued.
- Structure of Revelation 13:11-15. structure-of-revelation-1311-15.html
- The False Prophet of Revelation, part 1. the-false-prophet-of-revelation-part-1.html
- The False Prophet of Revelation, part 2: Coming up out of the earth! the-false-prophet-of-revelation-part-2.html
- Agriculture in Revelation 12, 13, and 14. agriculture-in-revelation-12-13-and-14.html
- Land Beast of Revelation 13:11-15.
- Historical Documentation: Daniel's four kingdoms and the Mediterranean. daniels-four-kingdoms-and-mediterranean.html
- 666, the number of the Beast: Counterfeit of Creation. 666-number-of-beast-counterfeit-of.html
- Magic Square of the Sun and 666: the Quotes. magic-square-of-sun-and-666-agrippa-von_31.html (Latin original) ; magic-square-of-sun-and-666-agrippa-von.html (English translation)
- Structure of Revelation 12 & 13: mark in the right hand or forehead. structure-of-revelation-12-13-mark-on.html
- 666, the number of the Beast: Counterfeit of the Law. 666-number-of-beast-counterfeit-of-law.html
- Counterfeit Trinity/anti-Trinity/counterfeit Godhead, false christ/antichrist, etc. counterfeit-trinityanti.html
- Daniel 2 & 7 Revisited
- Why ten minus three?: Daniel 7 revisited! why-ten-minus-three-daniel-7-revisited.html
- Advanced Daniel: Daniel 8-12, part 1
- Structure of Daniel 8-12. structure-of-daniel-8-12.html
- The Judgment in Daniel 8-12. the-judgment-in-daniel-8-12.html
- Two choices: the Ram or the He-Goat! two-choices-ram-or-he-goat.html
- The man in linen in Daniel 10 & 12 and Revelation 1. the-man-in-linen-in-daniel-10-12-and.html
- Daniel 8
- Daniel 7 & 8, parallels. daniel-7-and-8-parallels.html
- One world power in Daniel 2 (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown): one-world-power-in-daniel-2-jamieson.html
- Four horns, the little horn, and the Jewish Nation. four-horns-little-horn-and-jewish-nation.html
- Daniel 8:9-14,23-25: The little horn, An Introduction. daniel-89-1423-25-little-horn.html
- Lucifer, the original Antichrist! lucifer-original-antichrist.html
- Daniel 8:10,11,25b: The little horn, Antichrist!, frontman of Satan, the original Antichrist! daniel-8101125b-little-horn-antichrist.html
- Structure of Daniel 8:10-12. structure-of-daniel-810-12.html
- Historical Documentation.
- The celibate priesthood, an army! the-celibate-priesthood-army-pufendorf.html
- Timing of the rise of the Antichrist according to 2 Thes. 2: the Quotes. search/label/Time%20Rise%20Antichrist
- Azazel: the Quotes. search/label/Azazel
- Another Christ?: the Quotes. search/label/another%20Christ
- Lord god the pope?: the Quotes. search/label/lord%20god%20the%20pope
- The Sanctuary
- Introduction: The point of the sanctuary!
- The great whore and the bride, the Lamb's wife. the-great-whore-and-bride-lambs-wife.html
- Advanced Daniel: Daniel 8-12, part 2
- Daniel 9:24-27.
- Structure of Daniel 9:24-27. An overview of the structure. The meat of the study is in the next two studies. structure-of-daniel-924-27.html
- Structure of Daniel 9:24. structure-of-daniel-924.html
- Command to Rebuild Jerusalem Quotes: search/label/70%20weeks-start
- Structure of Daniel 9:26,27. structure-of-daniel-92627.html
- Daniel 11
- Are Daniel 8-9 & 11 parallels? are-daniel-8-9-11-parallels.html
- Structure of Daniel 11, part 1. structure-of-daniel-11-part-1.html
- The church against marriage... the-church-against-marriage.html
- Marriage and the Church. search/label/marriage%20%26%20church
- Historical Documentation.
- Paganism: the Quotes. search/label/paganism
- Paganism and the church: the Quotes. search/label/paganism%20%26%20church
- Dishonour the Sabbath: the Quote. search/label/Sabbath%20dishonoured
- Appendix:
- Structure of Daniel 8-12 (Another!). structure-of-daniel-8-12_29.html
- Advanced Revelation
- Where is the Judgment in Revelation?
- Jesus Christ, the Law Giver. jesus-christ-law-giver.html
- Two witnesses, their identity. two-witnesses-their-identity.html
- Historical Documentation.
- Rome & lying/forgeries: the Quotes. search/label/Rome%20%26%20lies
- Forbidden Bible: the Quotes. search/label/Bible-forbidden
- Battle of the Bibles: the Quotes. search/label/Bibles-battle%20of%20the
- The French Revolution predicted. the-french-revolution-predicted-jurieu.html ; the-french-revolution-predicted-jurieu_23.html
- Understanding the beast of Revelation 17.
- Life of Jezebel. life-of-jezebel.html
- Four creatures of Revelation 4 and the four beasts of Revelation 13 & 17. four-creatures-of-revelation-4-and-four.html
- Daniel and Revelation: the statue of Daniel (2 & 3) and the beasts of Revelation (13 & 17). daniel-and-revelation-statue-of-daniel.html
- Seven Hills of Rome: search/label/city%20on%20seven%20hills
- History of the United States.
- Virgin Mary-land and the Lamb-like beast. virgin-mary-land-and-lamb-like-beast.html
- Washington and Pope
- Washington: Masonic Capital
- Washington, the mason. washington-mason.html
- Washington, the masonic capital
- A dove is the Holy Spirit or, another spirit, a false or anti Holy Spirit. a-dove-is-holy-spirit-or-another-spirit.html
- Seven churches.
- Structure of Ephesus, Revelation 2:1-7. structure-of-ephesus-revelation-21-7.html
- Structure of Smyrna, Revelation 2:8-11. structure-of-smyrna-revelation-28-11.html
- Structure of Pergamos.
- Antipas and the "seat of Satan." (Chuch of Pergamos) antipas-and-seat-of-satan.html
- Structure of Thyatira.
- The "depths of Satan"... What is it? (Church of Thyatira) the-depths-of-satan-what-is-it.html
- Structure of Sardis, Revelation 3:1-6. structure-of-sardis-revelation-31-6.html
- Church of Philadelphia.
- Key is Kingdom. key-is-kingdom.html
- Church of Laodicea.
- Structure of the Seven Churches, Revelation 2 & 3, pt 1. structure-of-seven-churches-revelation.html
- Structure of Philadelphia and Laodicea, perhaps? structure-of-philadelphia-and-laodicea.html
- The Seven Trumpets.
- Who are the locust of Revelation 9:1-11?, pt. 1. who-are-locust-of-revelation-91-11-pt-1.html
- Structure of Revelation 9:1-11, the 5th Trumpet... a partial reveal! structure-of-revelation-91-11-5th.html
- The Structure (or two) of Revelation 9:7-9. the-structure-or-two-of-revelation-9.html
- A Tail is a False Prophet. a-tail-is-false-prophet.html
- Seven Trumpets: Trumpets 3-6. seven-trumpets-trumpets-3-6.html
- Babylon is Fallen: Prayer for our sins and a message for their salvation
- Structure of Daniel 8-12 (Another!). structure-of-daniel-8-12_29.html
- Structure of Revelation 4-20. structure-of-revelation-4-20.html
- Design of the New Testament [More reason to study prophecy!]
- Why has Jude plagiarized Peter? why-has-jude-plagiarized-peter.html
- Why four Gospels?, part 1: the Early Church Fathers. why-four-gospels-part-1-early-church.html
- Appendix: The Quotes. search/label/four%20Gospels%20and%20creatures
- Why four Gospels?, part 2. why-four-gospels-part-2.html
- Why four Gospels?, part 3. why-four-gospels-part-3.html
- The 3 to 1 split of the Gospels! the-3-to-1-split-of-gospels.html
- Why four metals, beasts, etc. in Daniel? why-four-metals-beasts-etc-in-daniel.html
- Structure of the New Testament, part 1. structure-of-new-testament-part-1.html
- Structure of Revelation 10-13. structure-of-revelation-10-13.html
- Marriage of the Lamb
- Structure of Revelation 1-16. structure-revelation-1-16.html
- Structure of Revelation 14-19: Water is peoples, multitudes, nations, tongues. structure-of-revelation-14-19-water-is.html
- Structure of Revelation 19:11-16. structure-of-revelation-1911-16.html
- Structure of the mountains in Revelation. structure-of-mountains-in-revelation.html
- Revelation 20-22
- Structure of Revelation 20-22: An Overview. structure-of-revelation-20-22-overview.html
- Structure of Revelation 20:11-21:1, part 1. structure-of-revelation-2011-211-part-1.html
- Structure of Revelation 21:9-?, part 1. structure-of-revelation-219-part-1.html
- The End Times: Time to give the Loud Cry!
- The Great Cosmic Week.
- 6000 Years (church Fathers): the Quotes. search/label/6000%20years
- 6000 Years: the Great Cosmic Week. 6000-years-great-cosmic-week.html
- Meaning of Luke 17:20-37. meaning-of-luke-1720-37.html
- Structure of Luke 17:23-37. structure-of-luke-1723-37.html
- The last Adam & Eve. the-last-adam-eve.html
- Structure of Genesis 1-8. structure-of-genesis-1-8.html
More to come!
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