The Jesuits on Daniel's "a time, times, and an half" (The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin, Doway: Printed by Laurence Kellam, 1610, vol. 2)
Text: "And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished." Daniel 12:7
[...] And I heard the man, that was clothed with the linen garments, that stood vpon the waters of the riuer, when he had lifted vp his right hand, & his left hand vnto heauen, and had sworne by him that liueth for euer, that vnto a time, & times, & the halfe of a time. And when the dispersion of the hand of the holie people shal be accomplished, al these thinges shal be accomplished. [...]
7. Vnto a time, and times, and half a time. Our Sauiour saying (Matt. 24. v. 22) that the dayes (of Antichrists great persecution) shal be shortned: and Apoc. 17. v. 10. the great persecutor that is to come, must tarie a shorte time, it is necessarie to say, that the time of the same persecutor here signified to Daniel, as also before ch. 7. v. 25. & repeted Apoc. 12. v. 14 by these termes of a time, & times, and half a time, can not possibly importe any long time. And therfore the ancient Fathers vniformely vnderstand by a time, one yeare, by times two yeares, and so by half a time, half a yeare. Vvhich is somewhat more clere in other termes, in this ch. v. 11. by a thousand tvvo hundred ninetie dayes; & v. 12. a thousand three hundred thirtie dayes, & Apoc. 11. v. 3. Two witnesses shal prophecie (against Antichrist) a thousand two hundred sixtie dayes: Apoc 12. v. 6. The Church shal be fedde in the wilderness, the same number of dayes 1260. But most clerly Apoc. 11. v. 2. & Apo. 13. v. 5. this great persecution shal indure 42. monethes, that is, three yeares & a half.
The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin: diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages: with arguments of the bookes, and chapters, annotations, tables, and other helpes, for better vnderstanding of the text, for discourerie of corruptions in some late translations and for clearing controversies in religion, Doway: Printed by Laurence Kellam, 1610, vol. 2, p. 802,803.
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