Priesthood and fornication (Salvianus; Bulkeley, An apologie for the religion established in the Church of England, London: Printed by George Eld for Arthur Iohnson, 1608)

Text: "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women..." Daniel 11:37 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry..." 1 Timothy 4:1-3


[...] Saluianus the Bishop of Massilia, who liued in the yeare of our Lord 480. writeth thus: Nouum est prorsus religionis genus. Licitanon faciunt & illicita committunt. Temperant à concubitu (quamuis nec hoc faciunt nisi à licito) & non temperant à rapina, &c. i. [Saluianius lib, 5. de prouidentia.] This is a new kind of religion. They do not things lawfull & commit things vnlawfull. They abstaine from copulation (although the abstaine not from that neither, but fro[m] that which is lawfull) and refraine not from rape. What doest thou O foolish perswasion? God hath forbidden sinne, and not mariage, your deeds agree not with your studies or profession. You ought not to bee fauorers of vices. [...]

Bulkeley, Edward, An apologie for the religion established in the Church of England: Being an answer to T. W. his 12. Articles of the last edition. in this impression recognized and much enlarged; also answers to three other writings of three seuerall Papists, London: Printed by George Eld for Arthur Iohnson, 1608, pp. 163-164.

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